About Me

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Ruff! My name is Sam I Am Irving Theophilus. I'm a Wauzer (my daddy was a Westie and my mama was a Schnauzer), and I'm happy to meet you! I love people, especially my human Allison. She and her sister adopted me from Little Rhody Rescue, so now I've found my forever home! Allison helped me make this blog so I could talk about all the exciting books I get to read in my new home. I just have to remember: books are friends, NOT food! Woof.
Showing posts with label sickness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sickness. Show all posts

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sneezy, Wheezy Sundays with Sam I Am


     I tried to eat Allison's umbrella a few minutes ago. It was just hanging there on her doorknob, looking very suspicious to me. So I balanced on my bum and gave it a great big CHOMP.

Allison didn't like that too much.

     She's been doing this thing called "homework," and I think it takes too long! When we decided to take the rest of September off from blogging so Allison could focus on getting used to school, I didn't realize how much time she was going to spend on this "homework." I mean, really. What's the use of writing essays and reading long, hard papers when she could be learning just as much from me? I taught her how to play catch-me-catch-me-you-can't-catch-me. I taught her how to play Real basketball (Allison didn't know that you're supposed to try to grab the ball with your teeth, would you believe that?). I even taught her my special swagger-walk that I use in the dog park to let everyone know I'm the friendliest wauzer in town. And what does she do instead?

Something called "archetypal criticism" and another thing called "management theory." Yuck.

      Is it any wonder I have to attack rain gear to snap her out of it? Or sneak under her bed for a tissue feast? Or break into the bathroom for a solo game of tug-the-towel? WOOF! A dog's got to do what a dog's got to do.

     I'll take squeaky toys over literary theory any day. Ruff!

     I guess part of the reason why Allison isn't so fun lately is that she worked so hard on homework and school stuff that she got sick. She has something called "a cold." When I tilted my head a little and woofed softly to ask if there was such thing as catching "a hot," she laughed but then the laugh turned into a cough. My poor human's snout is drippy all day too. I did a better job being patient yesterday when Allison stayed in bed. If there's one thing I've learned it's how to snuggle!

I even kept Allison's spot cozy for her while she got up for some water.
I'm a good guy like that.
      Anyway, this morning Mama Suz gave my sniffly human a spoonful of this nasty-smelling stuff - medicine I think. So Allison felt a little better today. She took a break from homework when I tried to tackle her umbrella. And we read a great story about a teddy bear with cold!

Teddy Bears Cure a Cold by Susanna Gretz, illustrated by Alison Sage, is about a teddy bear named William and all the things his teddy bear friends do to help him get better when he catches a cold. Charles makes a chart to keep track of William's fever because he feels really hot, Andrew makes him special tea, and Louise and Sara help make him comfy in bed. Poor William is very unhappy being sick...but he finds out that he likes all the attention from his friends! Only when he finds out about a special surprise does he admit that he feels better! What an ending! Awoo!

I give this book two paws up and a tail wag. Sniffling William's grumpy faces remind me of the faces Allison makes when she's sick and mad about being sick. I like looking at all the pictures, with details like the temperature chart, puzzle pieces all over William's blanket, and get well cards made by the bears. I especially like the bears' friend the dalamatian dog! The bears' personalities and expressions, the familiar situation, and the gentle humor will make human-pups grin and ask for the book again and again (especially when they're sick or don't want to go to school!). Best for human-pups PreK-3.

Allison says there are other books about the same teddy bears and their dog; I hope we can find them to read more about William, that silly bear!

     Right now, I think I'd better go work on that new bone I started chewing this morning. Allison's starting to sneeze again and I don't want her ACHOOOOOS to blow our blog away! She should rest anyway because she has to try to go to school - wish I could sneak in with her! 

Don't you think I'm smart enough for what Allison calls "higher education"? Awooooooooooooooooo! 

Yours in Get-Well Snuggles,
Sam I Am

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Sick Day for Sadie, Or Friends are the Best Medicine


     You know what? My friend Sadie has to wear one of these silly cone Elizabethan collar things for awhile too. Allison and I were having our usual after-kibble walk when we stopped by Sadie's yard to say hi - and there she was, looking sad and sick! I whimpered softly until she got up and padded over. I guess she had to have an operation on her left hind leg because she had a big long line of stitches. Pawing at the fence, I woofed a question about how she was feeling; instead of jumping around like she usually does, Sadie hung her head so low it touched her paws. My poor friend! Awoooooo!

     Allison crouched down and rubbed my back, murmuring get-well wishes to Sadie. Then she reminded me of a book we had read one rainy afternoon when I was still feeling yucky. Maybe I could tell Sadie about it and that would cheer her up? I twitched my ears in thought, and then decided Allison had a good idea. This book in particular shows how much friends can help when you don't feel well. I shared this story with Sadie, so maybe you'd like to share it with your friends (especially next time they get "sick as a dog"...what a silly phrase, ruff!).

Written by Philip Stead and illustrated by his wife Erin, A Sick Day for Amos McGee is a very special picture book - for a number of reasons. This story, with its Caldecott-winning pictures and loveable main character, is wonderful! A very nice human by the name of Amos McGee works hard at the zoo doing his job - and works even harder making sure he is there for all his animal friends. Whether the tortoise needs a playmate to race with (and let him win) or the rhino needs a handkerchief (he "always had a runny nose"), Amos is there to help. So when this terrific human gets sick, his animal friends hop a bus to be there for Amos! 

A simple story of understanding and friendship becomes unforgettable for human-pups who will love the pictures as much as Amos! My favorite part of the pictures' details is the penguin's funny web-foot-shaped socks! Allison loves that the rhino wears a red scarf - and also that a tiny mouse and bird appear in many of the pictures! I give this book two paws up and a tail wag! Great for human-pups K-2 or any pup who needs cheering up during a sick day (especially if there is a silly cone involved!). Remember: it's always nice to cheer someone up! Wooof!

     Of course, I also told Sadie that she should try to stay positive. After all, I've been walking around with this foolish collar for over a week, but I'm still having adventures! Like yesterday...Allison took me for my first walk in the woods behind the library. Oh the SMELLS! The bushes and the mud and the chipmunk tracks to sniff! It was on that shady walk that I saw my first FROG ever! I saw what looked like a bump on a rock in the middle of a gucky pond, and all of a sudden it jumped and went *plonk* *plonk* *plonk* in and out of the water. Well, arooooooo! I must have jumped a little myself.

See? Even cone-collared pups can sniff out swamp-creatures! Rrrrruff!

     I'm going to go see Sadie again tomorrow. Then I can tell her about my lazy day in Colt State Park today with my family. I want to ask her if she likes getting wet in the salty water - I don't like it much but I've seen some dogs dive right in. Also if she's sniffed out that white cat that's been prancing around the neighborhood. Maybe I could bring her a handkerchief too...I just need to borrow one from Mama Suz's laundry basket when my humans aren't looking. Aroooo!

                                                                        Yours in Sniffs and Silliness on Sick Days,
                                                                                         Sam I Am