About Me

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Ruff! My name is Sam I Am Irving Theophilus. I'm a Wauzer (my daddy was a Westie and my mama was a Schnauzer), and I'm happy to meet you! I love people, especially my human Allison. She and her sister adopted me from Little Rhody Rescue, so now I've found my forever home! Allison helped me make this blog so I could talk about all the exciting books I get to read in my new home. I just have to remember: books are friends, NOT food! Woof.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Salty Dog: Sam I Am Sees the Shining Sea


     Today was a slow, lazy day. I did get to see Jacob for a bit this morning - and Jesse! You see, my humans and I missed him yesterday. He couldn't come over to play because he had to go get his human-pup shots. Arrooo! Not very fun! I was kind of worried about him (and I missed the little man), so I was glad to go say hi. We bounded around his yard for awhile, Jacob showed us his new swing set, and then Allison and Suz finally got to give him his birthday present. Jacob-baby's birthday was July 2, and now he's three years old. I hope that means he'll want to play three times as much! Ruff!

     Yesterday was my own almost-half birthday. I am now officially five months old! Allison says that I'm still a baby, her baby puppy, but I felt very excited anyways. To celebrate, my humans took me to a place called Jamestown...and I saw The Ocean. All of a sudden we pull up to this tall tower with a light on top. The light shone through the fog and onto a HUGE bunch of water. And the smells, oh the smells! Salty, misty, scratched-rock smells! Allison let me tug her all over these giagantic rocks, chasing after white, shrill birds Allison calls "gulls" or "sea chickens" and peering into dark and foamy water. I LOVED it!

Allison and I at Beavertail in Jamestown, RI.

A Wauzer enchanted by ocean waters! I love exploring!

Adventures on the rocks can get ruff. I had to stop to pant.

     Anyway, with my adventures through the fog and over ocean-wet rocks fresh in my puppy memory, Allison and I decided to read a book about another person's seaside adventure. This one also involves very little human-pup in honor of Jacob's birthday...

One of Suz's favorite books, Baby Boat by Betty Waterton, illustrated by Joanne Fitzgerald, tells the story of one woman's discovery by the sea. Sitting on the steps of the lighthouse where she lives, Mrs. Figg moans that she misses her babies (her human-pups are all grown up). So when she goes down to the shore and finds a boat full of human-pups, she happily spends the day taking care of them - with often comical results! You never know what you might find near the ocean, and Mrs. Figg finds both adventure and chaos! Finally the grown-up humans come to retrieve their pups and all ends well. Even Mrs. Figg smiles as they depart, sure of a friendship that will last. Best for little human pups up to kindergarten or second grade age, I give this book two paws up. The story is very special, and the gentle-colored illustrations (the human-pups going wild in the lighthouse's control room is my favorite) cleverly highlight the babies' mischief! It just goes to show that life is full of surprises, and that sometimes our wishes come true in funny ways! Woof!

  I'm off to dream of the sea (Allison promised me we would have more ocean adventures soon!) and of meeting more friends of the little human-pup sort. Good-night! Arooo!

With Oceans of Excitement,
Sam I Am

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