About Me

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Ruff! My name is Sam I Am Irving Theophilus. I'm a Wauzer (my daddy was a Westie and my mama was a Schnauzer), and I'm happy to meet you! I love people, especially my human Allison. She and her sister adopted me from Little Rhody Rescue, so now I've found my forever home! Allison helped me make this blog so I could talk about all the exciting books I get to read in my new home. I just have to remember: books are friends, NOT food! Woof.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cloudy With a Chance of More Good Books: How I'm Dealing With Hurricane Irene


     Humans are a silly bunch. The more I think about it, the funnier it seems how crazy lots of people act when something called a "hurricane" might happen. Allison explained that a hurricane is a big storm with very strong wind; sometimes it causes floods and makes trees fall down. Okay, so that doesn't sound too fun (a little pup like me has to be careful in high winds - I don't want to get picked up and end up in the clouds!), but Daddy says that this hurricane won't even be that bad by the time it gets to our home. He watches something called "the radar" on his computer to see what's really going on. It'll probably just rain. So all this romping around, taping windows and buying a ton of extra food from the store? Kind of silly. Sometimes I think people worry too much. 

 Do I look worried? Ruff, no!

     Allison says that other places will get more wind and have to worry more. If there were a real threat to my family, my humans would be calm about it. We always have plenty of flashlights (Jacob-Baby loves to play with them), and Daddy knows safe places to go in case the house isn't safe. But this time, all I'm worried about is how wet and yucky I'll get from walking in the rain (fluffy towels can fix this!). Just stay inside and pay attention to any changes in the storm. No need to fear this famous "Irene"; I just got my cone-thing off for good, and I'm ready to play! Awoooooooooooooooooo!

     Instead of boring old rain, it would be more fun to have weather like the weather in the book Allison and I just read. It's called Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, and here is my favorite picture:

Hey Mr. Weatherman! How about a hamburger hurricane? Mmmmm.

Written by Judi Barrett and drawn by Ron Barrett, this imaginative story makes a pup sit up and drool! A flying pancake inspires an unforgettable bedtime story - the tale of a town called "Chewandswallow." Grandpa the narrator sets the scene: "The only thing that was really different about Chewandswallow was its weather. It came three times a day...Everything that everyone ate came from the sky." I know what you're thinking...

Where is this magical place, where storm clouds bring flurries of yummy hotdogs and puddles of meatballs pile up in the streets? It would be wonderful to find the town - and never worry about shopping for food again.Take me there, fast as paws can trot! But Chewandswallow one day discovers that their weather is no picnic...

Ron Barrett's vividly textured illustrations show what happens when the weather turns nasty. No more meatballs from the sky; some days there is only pea soup fog or stinky cheese. Even scarier than that, the food gets bigger and BIGGER! Yip!! Soon the townspeople must decide what to do - before more humans get wopped over the head by giant burgers and more buildings get swallowed up by breakfasts. I give this book two paws up and a tail wag. Human-pups will love the pictures and like the hopeful note at the end (which shows how imagination and stories can transform real life!). This one's tough to put an age range on, as the jokes in the story will go over young human-pups' heads even as they yelp happily over the jello sunset and orange juice rain. Probably best for grades K-4, or younger with grown-ups. Also great for older humans. And anyone who can laugh about how surprising the weather can be (New-Englanders, Allison says with a smile, in particular). 

Try also:  Pickles to Pittsburgh by the same humans. It's not as good as the original, but it has more fun with giant food. 

Off to dream of giant burgers and chicken legs! Good-night and happy hurricaning (be safe and don't panic)!

Yours droolingly,
Sam I Am

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